Friday, March 15, 2013

Deadly 345 Kv. Transmission Lines Coming Here

         We just got a letter (Mar. 14, 2013) from O&R Utilities,  informing us that a Deadly 345 Kv. Transmission Lines will be coming through our property!  They are threatening to cut down more trees on our property. They were just here last month chopping down my trees that were here for 21 years. These trees were never ever near their precious lines hundreds of feet up on the giant towers. They just had to do something more to devalue and destroy our land! It is a constant destruction of our property and value of our home for over 29 years!
        They lied to everyone about spraying of deadly HERBICIDES which killed all of my Honey Bees! I was given a copy of the Du Pont Product warnings by a sub-contractor who sprayed them. I have pictures of the big tank sprayer trucks on my property too!
          The ultra high radiation emitting transmission lines will run 15 miles from Towns of Ramapo, Tuxedo, Warwick and Chester.  Connecting at the electric substation  on Sugar Loaf Mountain Road in Chester.
           The cost of this is estimated at over $11 Million Dollars, payable in our electric bills every month! AND we get none of the electric going through this new deadly line!
           They also will sneak in another line on the east side of the towers of  138 Kv. Enough power to melt steel and burn dirt! More radiation for homes with real living people in them 24/7. But hey, they have said, there is no danger of radiation poisoning or side affects from these lines! Then why are school closing next to power lines and the Teachers and children getting sick ? Just a coincidence! Yea, right!

           Well folks, another example of power and politics. The landowner gets nothing but radiation, cut down trees and shrubs,   poisonous herbicides, deadly radiation, and property devaluation! Think abourt it ! Just FYI

Monday, January 21, 2013

O&R has sent another subcontractor here  again Monday (1-21-13)to butcher our trees. They are supposed to inform me in writing before they enter upon my property. They have never done so. So here is Aspelunde on my property cutting again.  No one available to call. They are all off today. Some kind of holiday I suppose. Town Hall is closed. O&R is not answering either. Bast---- are cutting at their own discretion, of which there is none! Lewis Tree Service, Nelson Tree Co, and now Aspelunde. Will it ever end ? Karma is coming for them!!!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


THEY ARE BACK TO DESTROY AND DEVALUE OUR LAND! ANY DAY NOW, FROM SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 THE SOB'S WILL BE BACK TO CUT, SHRED  OUR BEAUTIFUL TREES AND POSSIBLE SNEAK IN AND SPRAY THE POISONOUS HERBICIDES THAT POISONED OUR HONEYBEES, AND REMAINS IN THE GROUND WATER AND EVENTUALLY WELL WATER! IT IS CALLED " ACCORD" made by Du Pont Corp., and has a label that is so scary, anyone who handles it is warned to de-contaminate clothing, hair, skin, shoes, etc. after dispersing it, not safe to use near fish, food, children, or water supplies. Not to be used on windy days, near beneficial insects (honey bees), or ponds, streams or rivers! Wow, do you think this stuff is safe for humans? NOT! But how then can O&R use it right on our land , home, and organic garden, and honey bee hives? I'll tell you! They don't care! This will affect everyone eventually, if you care about your environment, your water, the future of your children or grandchildren, get involved, say something, ask questions, its your planet, neighborhood, town or village. It is where you live!

Friday, July 20, 2012

We are seeing all new trucks and cars with the Orange & Rockland Utilities colors and name on them. Bright Orange and white. They are finding ways to spend that 3.5 Billion dollar find of money that was just approved ! Raises to the higher management, new cars, trucks, and much more. Fancy new desk and chair setups in the offices. New curtains, coffee machines, etc.. Our sources say, this is wasteful and not what the money was allocated for! The little guys, hard workers are not getting squat. Look around and see what I mean. Helicopter rides are increasing too. Politicians love helicopter rides. Ask Ed Diana. What a waste of money. Our people inside are furious at what is going on. But  O&R  has the politicians in their pocket. Look at what happened in Rockland County. What happened to that woman, taking bribe money and gifts from O&R finally surfaced and she disappeared with her new found wealth. It will happen here in Orange County too. But the damage will already be done. Sad, how money corrupts!  Watch and see, its your electric bill!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Deadly OandR Power Lines Coming to Chester Area

      We just received a letter from Con-Ed. stating O&R is going forward with adding a monster 395 Killovolt power line to the existing con-ed towers that run through peoples property . It will stretch from Sugarloaf down to New Jersey.  All living creatures, people, pets, wildlife, etc.. will be exposed to a major amount of Electromagnetic Radiation that is deadly over time. Cancerous diseases are caused by this radiation. Many homes, schools, libraries, etc.. are dangerously close to these power lines!  But, O&R insists that all is safe! Of course they say that . Just like Indian Point Nuclear Reactor is safe!  
         To show how deceitfull O&R is, this past year they implemented a New Vegetation Plan and cut everything green under the lines for 100 feet to the left and right of each power line. All of the beautiful Oak, Ash, Maple Birch, Cherry, and Cedars are now shredded and gone! The truth is they were making room for the new power line to be put up.  They never tell the truth! They are a BIG MONOPOLY and don't have to. They own the Politicians. They get what they want. Wait till you see this cost added to your electric bill!
          I have three of their beautiful towers on my land. I get nothing for this abuse. These towers and the deadly power lines give me no discount to my electric bill. I get not one penny! Yet they can come anytime and try and spray DEADLY HERBICIDES  (Accord Concentrate by DOW  Agro Science Corp.) on my land, home, well water, children, pets, etc... This info was given to me by the sub-contractor  who was about to spray the poisons! I had to call the Town Supervisor to get them  to stop. He succeeded. For now anyway! But they are sneaky and uncaring! They will be back. But what about this new danger? These new lines will increase the Electromagnetic Field of Radiation to levels unknown to this area. Must we wait and see who gets sick or dies? By then it will be to late! They will never take down the lines. Only the people will go away. Some in coffins some in vehicles. Spread this story if you care. Thanks. SAY NO TO THE  NEW POWER LINES!