Friday, July 20, 2012

We are seeing all new trucks and cars with the Orange & Rockland Utilities colors and name on them. Bright Orange and white. They are finding ways to spend that 3.5 Billion dollar find of money that was just approved ! Raises to the higher management, new cars, trucks, and much more. Fancy new desk and chair setups in the offices. New curtains, coffee machines, etc.. Our sources say, this is wasteful and not what the money was allocated for! The little guys, hard workers are not getting squat. Look around and see what I mean. Helicopter rides are increasing too. Politicians love helicopter rides. Ask Ed Diana. What a waste of money. Our people inside are furious at what is going on. But  O&R  has the politicians in their pocket. Look at what happened in Rockland County. What happened to that woman, taking bribe money and gifts from O&R finally surfaced and she disappeared with her new found wealth. It will happen here in Orange County too. But the damage will already be done. Sad, how money corrupts!  Watch and see, its your electric bill!

1 comment:

Triumphman said...

Her name was Linda Winicow, she now lives a cozy luxurious life somewhere in the south. No jail time,, for bribery, extortion and mis- management of funds. The l.5 million disappeared and no one cared. Al paid off and shut up tight! Orange County is now doing the same thing, ask Ed Diana and his cronies!